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3 Insightful Books That Will Transform Your Thinking

The world is full of valuable books.

Cutting through the noise can be hard though. For those looking for words to inspire and ignite your curiosity, we have something for you. Here’s 3 books that will transform the way you think.

Books to broaden your perspective and ignite curiosity

1️⃣ Tim Ferriss: The 4-hour work week

You could call Tim Ferriss the original productivity geek.

He’s been operating since the late 00’s with a slew of books selling millions.The 4-hour work week is his first book and has been hugely successful at helping those millions deconstruct problems, improve efficiency and change your perspective on life’s possibilities.

Many people have built their own success from Tims words.

Here’s 5 things you can expect to learn:

  1. The New Rich (NR) Lifestyle
    Tim introduces the concept of the “New Rich,” which is not just about accumulating wealth but about achieving the freedom to live life on your own terms.

    This includes automating income, taking “mini-retirements,” and escaping the 9-to-5 grind.

  2. DEAL Formula
    • Definition: Redefine success; it’s not about the traditional retirement plan.
    • Elimination: Practice the art of time management by cutting out unnecessary tasks and distractions.
    • Automation: Outsource non-core tasks and create passive income streams.
    • Liberation: Achieve the freedom to work from anywhere and live life on your terms.

  3. 80/20 Principle
    Popular now but game changing back in 09.

    Time frequently references the Pareto Principle, suggesting that 80% of outcomes come from 20% of efforts. By focusing on the most impactful tasks (the 20%), you can achieve more with less effort.

  4. Selective Ignorance
    Not all information is beneficial.

    Tim advocates for a low-information diet, suggesting that by selectively ignoring or avoiding unnecessary information, you can be more productive and less stressed.

  5. Mini-Retirements
    Instead of deferring life dreams to a distant retirement, Time advocates for taking “mini-retirements” throughout life. This means taking extended breaks to travel, learn new skills, or pursue passions, rather than waiting until the end of a career.

2️⃣ Steve Peters: The Chimp Paradox

This book was recommended by a work colleague.

When I first saw the title of this publication, I thought it was going to be another of those hoodwink type self – help manuals. It turned out

I was wrong. It’s unorthodox in its approach, but thats a good thing.

The author has some serious credibility working with high performing athletes including olympic gold winners.

Here’s 3 things you can expect to learn:

  1. The Chimp, Human, and Computer
    Dr. Peters introduces a model where the mind is divided into three main parts:
    • The Chimp: The emotional, impulsive part of our brain that reacts without thinking and is driven by feelings.
    • The Human: The logical, fact-based part of our brain that thinks things through and acts based on reason.
    • The Computer: The automatic part that runs on pre-programmed beliefs and habits, storing information and experiences for both the Chimp and the Human.

  2. Managing Your Inner Chimp
    Recognising that the Chimp can be both a hindrance and a help is crucial. While it can protect and drive us, it can also lead to impulsive decisions and emotional reactions.

    The key is not to suppress the Chimp but to manage and nurture it, understanding its needs and ensuring it doesn’t hijack control from the Human.

  3. The Power of Autopilots
    The Computer part of our brain runs on autopilots, which are established habits and beliefs.

    By understanding and reprogramming these autopilots, we can change our behaviour and reactions. This requires consistent effort and understanding of both the Chimp’s and the Human’s needs.

3️⃣ Marcus Aurelius: Meditations

Many years ago you wouldn’t have caught me even thinking about reading a work of philosophy.

This gem had been recommended on the Tim Ferriss podcast many times. Essentially it’s the personal journal of the great Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, it conveys his thoughts on his own life – the good and the bad.

It’s a great reference point with great advice which is even more noteworthy and vital for people today.

It’s also consider one of the greatest works of philosophy ever. A great entry for you budding Stoics out there.

Here’s 3 quotes from the journals:

  1. The Impermanence of Life
    Marcus Aurelius frequently reflects on the transient nature of life, the inevitability of death, and the fleeting nature of fame and glory.

    He emphasises the importance of focusing on the present moment and acting virtuously, as life’s external circumstances are beyond our control.

    “All is ephemeral, both memory and the object of memory.”

  2. Control and Acceptance
    A core tenet of Stoicism presented in “Meditations” is the distinction between things we can control (our thoughts, actions, and feelings) and things we cannot (external events, the opinions of others).

    Marcus advises accepting the latter with equanimity and focusing our energy on the former.

    “You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realise this, and you will find strength.”

  3. Virtue as the Highest Good

    Throughout his writings, Marcus Aurelius returns to the idea that virtue is the sole good.

    He believes that living in accordance with nature and reason, and acting justly and selflessly, is the path to a fulfilled life.

    “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.”

Before you go… 👋

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