L&D Tools

These 5 books will teach you the most valuable lessons on leadership

I’m not a leadership expert by any means, but I love to absorb and learn from as many leaders in their respective fields as possible.

I mainly do this through books, podcasts, videos etc. Over the last few years I’ve come across a number of great pieces of leadership material, this compelled me to think about what 5 pieces would I recommend to anyone.

Daily Thoughts

What you and Jon Snow have in common

And it’s not that we all know winter is coming.

Learning Strategy Skills

L&D teams need to practice what they preach

I came across an interesting quote recently, while listening to a podcast between the comedian Russell Brand and self-help guru Tony Robbins:

“We all teach, what we most need to learn”

It struck me as I had been thinking about the capabilities of learning teams and how many people are actually keeping their own skills up to date, embracing continuous learning and actually practising what we preach to everyone else.

L&D Tools Learning Strategy

Out of the classroom experiences and other cool things to try for learning

I hope we all know by now, that learning takes place in many, many, many more arenas than just a classroom.

Daily Thoughts Learning Technology

Start with why

Why am I doing this? why are we choosing this course of action? Why has this happened?

For me ‘why’ is one of the most powerful words you can use. In whatever you do, whether it’s in a professional or personal scenario, we should always ask ourselves – Why am I doing this? why is this project or programme important for our business?

Understanding the ‘why’ is the biggest part of anything we embark on. The how and what are important too, yet without understanding – why are we/I doing this, we cannot fully buy-in to what we are trying to change and achieve.

For more sporadic daily thoughts like this, please subscribe to my weekly newsletter where I share insights, experiences and research on learning, personal development and managing the monkey mind.
